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What is an Herbalist?

Lisa is currently an Associate Member of the American Herbalist Guild and working towards being a Registered Herbalist through this peer-review organization. The AHG says it well:

"Herbalists are people who dedicate their lives to working with medicinal plants. They may be native healers, scientists, naturopaths, holistic medical doctors, researchers, writers, herbal pharmacists, medicine makers, wild crafters, harvesters, herb farmers or even your grandmother or grandfather. Many have an intimate relationship with plants and their medicinal value. While herbalists approach their craft from various traditions, they share a common respect for all forms of life, especially the relationship between plants and humans. Herbalists apply traditional practices and evidence-based research of plants to support healthy function of the human body. A clinical herbalist is part of your wellness team, working collaboratively with you to support your health and wellness goals."


Clinical Herbalist Lisa LeCuyer Kofakis, MH, ESM™SP

As an Herbalist & Shamanic practitioner, one of my goals is to be a bridge between the people and the plants. Helping others find solutions through herbalism and creating plant medicine is my passion.

I cultivate and also wild-harvest plants from our land outside of Clayton, WI.  From these, I create balms, oils, tinctures and teas.  I offer herbal recommendations, Herbal Therapy  appointments and make custom blends to aid my clients in using plants to support their bodily systems and also to address specific issues.

I  host plant identification walks and teach classes on using herbs for your health and healing.  See Silver Creek Herbals Facebook Page for current events.

I'm a US Marine Corps veteran, born and raised in Stillwater, MN. Go Ponies!

Each year I add new plants both in my cultivated medicinal herb garden and also in the outlying areas of our property.  Creating an oasis of edible and medicinal perennials is important to me.  As a land steward and healer, I feel this is my duty and honor to give back to the earth that supports us so lovingly.

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